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Diabetes Management: Traveling with Diabetes

Traveling with Diabetes. Traveling bag with plane on light green background. Olive leaves and branches in 3 corners of photo. Logo of Salud Nutrition on lower right hand corner.

If you have upcoming travel plans, here are some tips on things to bring to help manage your diabetes. Plan ahead so you can enjoy your time on vacation.

Traveling with diabetes checklist

Bring Medications

Pack medications in a clear sealable bag

Insulin and syringes

Blood sugar meter

Lancets, lancet device, test strips, and alcohol wipes

Carry a quick acting sugar

Glucose tablets or hard candy (to treat low blood sugars)

Diabetes medical id card or bracelet that states you have diabetes and any other health conditions

It is also helpful to carry healthy snacks like fruit, veggies, or nuts if it is a long trip. Happy travels!


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