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Fact or Myth: Can prediabetes be reversed?

Fact or myth: pre diabetes can be reversed on light green background. Olive branches and leaves on each corner. Logo of Salud nutrition on lower right hand corner

Prediabetes is when your blood sugars are high but not high enough to be considered diabetes. An A1c, or 3 month average blood sugar test can confirm a diagnosis of prediabetes.

It is estimated that 1 in 3 people have prediabetes and it can be reversed with healthy lifestyle changes.

Risk factors for prediabetes or diabetes include:

  • having a close family member such as a parent, sibling, or grandparents with diabetes

  • being over 40 years of age

  • being overweight

  • a history of gestational diabetes which is diabetes during pregnancy 

  • Race/Ethnicity: African American, Asian American, American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, or Pacific Islander

Losing at least 5-7% of your body weight can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes. Start by making small gradual changes by healthy eating and finding an enjoyable physical activity to increase your activity level.


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