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Fact or Myth: Lack of sleep has no effect on blood sugars

Fact or myth in light green colored bubble chat which says "lack of sleep has no effect on blood sugars". Background is forest green with olive branches and leaves. Salud nutrition logo on lower right hand corner

Getting a good night's sleep may be hard for some people with diabetes when experiencing frequent thirst or frequent urination during the night.


Sleeping less than 7 hours on a regular basis can lead to impaired glucose tolerance, increased insulin resistance, and increased hunger which can cause uncontrolled blood sugars. 

Try these tips for a good night's sleep

sleep in a cool, dark room

avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine in the evening

limit use of electronic devices at least 1 hour before bed

sleep and wake up at the same time everyday

exercise during the day

Talk with your Primary care physician if poor sleep continues. What routines help you get a good night's sleep?


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