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Fact or Myth: Only people over 40 years of age develop Type 2 diabetes

Fact or myth in light green colored bubble chat which says "only people over 40 years develop type 2 diabetes". Background is white with olive branches and leaves. Salud nutrition logo on lower right hand corner

Type 2 Diabetes is a risk factor for people over 40 years of age, but can occur in children, adolescents, and young adults.

Some Risk Factors for Diabetes:


You are at increased risk for diabetes if you are older than 40 years of age. Although more and more kids and adolescents are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.


A BMI above 25 is considered overweight which increases risk for diabetes. For Asian Americans, 23 or above is considered overweight. 

Family history

If a close relative (grandparent, parent, or sibling) has diabetes, it is important to get a regular check

on your A1c, blood work on your average blood sugars in the past 3 months.

History of gestational diabetes

Having gestational diabetes (GDM) is diabetes during pregnancy.


African American, Asian American, American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, or Pacific Islander

Having prediabetes

Blood sugar is higher than normal but is not in the diabetes range. An A1c test can confirm if you have prediabetes.

If you are at risk of having diabetes, regular blood sugar tests are important as you may not notice or have any symptoms. 

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